Belgrade – The underrated beauty

The time has arrived to pack my bag again and search for adventures and disadventures within unknown lands. This time I chose Serbia, more specifically Belgrade. Serbia is one of the countries that shares a border with Bulgaria. But have in mind that one trip from Sofia to Belgrade can take a long time. It depends on the the ticket you buy (direct or with a transfer) and from the traffic at the border. Apparently it’s easier to get in Serbia than to get out, as going there was faster than going back. One thing I found interesting was the fact that Serbia isn’t in the European Union (honestly I thought it is) and found out it isn’t the moment they asked for our … PASSPORTS at the border. It was a bit of a stress for me, because I forgot to check what documents I need to get in, BUT the travelers’ God protected me. Apparently one can pass with only with an identity card (luck indeed!). Meanwhile, you can check what type of document you need to enter here. It’s better not to risk, right?

What I think is that this country inspires people to read books (no, I’m not joking!). Why am I saying this? It’s because once the border was crossed, I received a message that 1MB with Roaming costs… mmm 12 Euro less or more. Good thing I brought a book with me and read around 100 pages on the way there and also that around the same amount on the way back. So I suggest that the people who want to visit this country buy a pre-paid card as it is more practical. 

Another thing you have to be careful with is the money. Never leave your bags open and far away from you. And also count well how much you spend, because the currency is different, so .. 10 Euros are around 1230 dinars. Imagine then how I felt when I withdrew 3000 dinars.. Really rich! And then they flew away in an instant… As for the rest, the city looks really chill and I have no negative comments. EVEN the contrary!

Unfortunately I underrated Belgrade a lot. I didn’t think that the city could be so beautiful and have so many beautiful places to check. I thought 3 days would be enough to see everything, but in the end 3 days wasn’t enough. You need at least 4 days minimum (without counting the time to get arrive and depart) to visit all historically, culturally and touristically interesting places. I had time for the most important tourism – the gastronomical. As the cuisine is similar to the Bulgarian one it is needless to say that I loved it!

The other thing that really impressed me were the rivers and the bridges. Yes.. my biggest weakness since Lisbon…  The confluence of Danube and Sava rivers was the most beautiful thing ever. As I’m a river addict… I was hypnotized..

The best part is to be in the center at night with a view to the multiple bridges and the city lighting up the rivers. This city is really worth visiting. It has this Balkan charm that is so attractive that everyone has to feel it. From what I understood, the name actually translates as White City (bel – white, grad – city), because it has a lot of sun, but I invented another meaning which I liked more – Beautiful city (belo means beautiful in Portuguese)!

I can confirm that I will return to Belgrade for sure and next time for more time. 

About Author

I am Marchela and I love learning languages as a way to explore the different countries better. Every language is a treasure and I aim to learn the basics of the language spoken in each country I visit.

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